Top 22 Jim Morrison Quotes

by Jacob Uitti

Few musicians in history have been considered such heady, thoughtful poets as has Jim Morrison, the frontman for the 1960s powerhouse band The Doors. With his curly locks, bare chest, and thoughtful tongue, Morrison raised a number of eyebrows with what he had to say as much as how he said it.

Here, we wanted to dive into the words, themselves. What are his thoughts on the human condition, about art, about love? What did he have to say about himself, about friendship and history?

Morrison, who was a symbol of the Flower Power ’60s, died as part of the legendary club no one wants to be in—the 27 Club (artists who died at the age of 27, including Amy Winehouse, Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, Brian Jones, and Jimi Hendrix). He was just that old when he passed away. But in his wake, he left us a lot of wisdom. So, without further ado, let’s see what comprised his perspective on life—in 22 quotes.


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