The Doors Hit Fremont Street Canopy’s Light Show
- by Steve Kanigher

In a city of visual sensory overload, the challenge is to take everything higher, and nowhere is that more important than on Fremont Street, Las Vegas’ stepchild to the Strip.
Enter Mr. Mojo Risin’, aka The Lizard King—all 180 feet of him.
The new show on the Fremont Street Experience canopy over the foyer to downtown’s 10 aging casinos uses fractal geometry to make images appear to be double the height of the 90-foot screen, with more vivid colors and detail.
The show’s stars and their music are larger than life, too: Jim Morrison and his psychedelic 1960s rock band. “The Doors—Strange Days in Vegas,” a 7 1/2-minute blast of video and audio, debuted with no fanfare last week. The official hoopla about the show will roll out next month when a documentary about the band is released in select U.S. cities.